All games by Raliza Software are DONATIONWARE. This means you can freely download and distribute them, but if you like any of the games, we ask
that you make us a donation of any value. You can donate as many times as you want, and always whatever value you feel like donating. If you really enjoy
one of our games, ask yourself, how much would you pay for it if it wasn't a free game? Or even better, how much would you pay for it so it could have better
graphics, or maybe more levels, or more control settings or maybe a simultaneous 2 player options?
We want everyone to be able to play our games, but we also need to pay our bills and put food on the table. We ask for donations so we can dedicate our time
to make more and better games and to improve our games so they are more enjoyable to you, either for PC-Windows or classic systems like the Commodore Amiga computer.
To make a donation, you can use paypal by clcking on the button below:
If you can't use paypal but still want to make a donation, please check the CONTACT section, you can contact us so we can find a way for you to make a donation!
We also accept donations in ways other than money, like hardware (including for classic systems) and software licenses, for example.
A big THANK YOU for considering making a donation!